Congratulations!Waltek suceed in A2LA on-site assessment
类别:沃特动态 文章出处:沃特测试发布时间:2018-04-28 浏览人次:
As it is known that, the FCC released two documents (DA 17-274 and DA 17-275) on March 23, 2017, respectively declared for non-MRA countries, such as China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, will accept A2LA Or Nvlap authorized laboratories to continue the FCC test, and can apply for the FCC through 2.949 to get FCC DOC authorization. At the same time, for any non-MRA labs that have not been formally authorized by these two agencies until July 2017 will not be possible to perform any FCC tests.
The scope of Waltek as below:
Unintentional: Household appliances and power tools, information technology, lighting category, audio and video, engineering, medical and other authorized;
Intentional and license devices: WPT(Wireless Power Transfer), RFID, SRD, 2&3&4G mobile phones, walkie-talkie and other authorized;
Safety: home appliances, lighting, information technology, switches, batteries and so on;
Countries include: United States FCC, Canada IC, Japan MIC-T & R, Hong Kong OFCA, Australia RCM, Taiwan BSMI & NCC, UK;
Waltek senior technical engineer team devote themselves to the latest FCC regulation; sensitive marketing/sales team will assist you for the FCC access. Any concern or inquiry, you are welcome to contact us freely!
- 沃特学院佛山分院第三届新讲师竞聘圆满落幕!新星讲师,未来可期!
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