类别:最新法规 文章出处:沃特测试发布时间:2024-08-19 浏览人次:
一. 自动更改证书状态:
1. 证书在证书有效期届满或标准有效期届满时自动暂停。
Certificates will be automatically suspended upon certificate expiry date or standards expiry date.
2. 证书会自证书届满日期或标准届满日期起计六个月内自动终止。
Certificates will be automatically terminated 6 months from the certificate expiry date or standards expiry date.
3. 邮件会连同暂停或终止的证书一览信息表,发送至有关的联络电邮。
An email will be sent with a list of suspended or terminated certificates to the relevant contact emails.
二. 作废的证书的更新状态:
Update Status for Superseded Certificates: Upon certificate renewal, the old (renewed) certificate will be changed to "Superseded" status once the new certificate is published.
三. 每月邮件通知 Monthly e-mail notification:
1. 证书将在3/6/9个月内到期。
Certificates expiring in 3/6/9 months.
2. 证书的标准将在3/6/9个月到期。
Certificates whose standards are expiring in 3/6/9 months.
四. 公共产品详细信息:
Public Product Details: When the certificate status is suspended, terminated, or withdrawn, the public product verification page will display the message: "Product does not have an active conformity certificate.".
五. 关于续证:
1. 提前续证:仅适用于证书有效期届满前6个月内。
Early Renewal Early renewal shall only be available: 6 months before the expiry date of the certificate.
2. 逾期续期证书:有效期届满后6个月内。
Late Renewal 6 Months After the expiry date of the Certificate.
六. 其他注意点:
1. Product Description: 产品说明应与标签/板/包装上的内容一致。
2. Capacity: 如果同一型号具有不同的容量(例如:10kg水洗/5kg干水洗),请输入“10/5”并在“附加技术规格”部分指定详细信息。
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