类别:最新法规 文章出处:沃特测试发布时间:2023-02-24 浏览人次:
Product 产品 | Alert submitted by 通告国 | Country of origin 原产国 | Risk 风险 | Risk legal provision 法规 |
Cosmetics 化妆品 (共5例产品) | Lithuania & Sweden 立陶宛&瑞典 | Spain & United Arab Emirates 西班牙&阿联酋 | According to the list of ingredients, the product contains BMHCA which is forbidden in cosmetic products. 根据成分列表,产品含化妆品禁用的铃兰醛。 | The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟化妆品法规。 |
Teeth whitening gel 牙齿美白凝胶 | Sweden 瑞典 | Unknown 未知 | The product contains hydrogen peroxide in an excessive concentration. 产品含过量的过氧化氢。 | The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟化妆品法规。 |
Hair dye 染发剂 | Austria 奥地利 | Austria 奥地利 | According to the list of ingredients, the product contains Barium peroxide, which is forbidden in cosmetics and releases barium. Furthermore, the product contains PPD with an insufficient coupling agent. 成分列表显示该产品含有化妆品中禁止使用的过氧化钡,其会释放钡。此外,该产品含有偶联剂不足的对苯二胺(PPD)。 | The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟化妆品法规。 |
Hair dye 染发剂 | Austria 奥地利 | The Netherlands 荷兰 | The product contains sodium perborate (as declared on the packaging), which releases boron and is forbidden in cosmetic products. Additionally, the product contains PPD. 该产品含有过硼酸钠(包装上声称),它会释放化妆品中禁止使用的硼。此外,该产品含有对苯二胺(PPD)。 | The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟化妆品法规。 |
Ring 戒指 | Italy 意大利 | People's Republic of China 中国 | The product releases an excessive amount of nickel. 产品会释放过量的镍。 | The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟REACH法规。 |
Crown hair clip 发卡 | Italy 意大利 | People's Republic of China 中国 | The product has an excessive concentration of lead. 产品含过量的铅。 | The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟REACH法规要求。 |
Plastic doll & Children's bag & Wristwatch & Gym weight & Ballpoint pen 塑料玩具&儿童包&腕表&健身负重器械&圆珠笔 (共6例产品) | Czechia & Cyprus & Finland 捷克&塞浦路斯&芬兰 | People's Republic of China 中国 | The plastic material of the product has an excessive concentration of DEHP. 产品的塑料材料含过量的DEHP。 | The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟REACH法规要求。 |
Bath mat & Yoga ball 浴垫&瑜伽球 (共2例产品) | Cyprus 塞浦路斯 | People's Republic of China 中国 | The plastic material of the product has an excessive concentration of DEHP, and It also contains short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs). 产品的塑料材料含过量的DEHP以及SCCPs。 | The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation nor with the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation. 产品不满足欧盟REACH法规及POP法规要求。 |
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